Sunday, 25 November 2012


in singing we are doing solo performances and group work for the trip to the home in feburary. within singing we have been learning the basics of singing. For example we have been learning vocal warm ups including what we done last lesson (21st november 2012) which was "abcd" and "1234" but in previous weeks we have looked at "me, baa, la" and others, along with breathing in and breathing out to "shhhh" and hums. we do these to warm our vocal cords and diaphram. aswell as to improve pronounciation and other factors of singing and even just speech. For our trip to the home in February we had to research music from the 1940's and 1950's. My group researched "easy listening" and found many artists, frank Sinatra being the artist we focused on.   
 we belive that this is appropriate for our performance because Frank sinatra is one of the most famous and memorable artists from the time, he is a singer who they will probably know most of his songs. we are aiming to sing songs which remind them of when they where younger, and with his songs i belive we can achive this. 
We are also performing solos as part of this project. i am performing the song "love the way you lie part two", but the skylar gray vesion instead of the Rihanana and Eminem version as, as much as i am a huge fan of Eminem i thought that as the project is on singing i would be better off doing a full song instead of the version which contains a Rap within it. 

I have had to work on my pitch, making sure that I put effort and power into the corus, I also have to work on my confidence when singing as I am extremely nervios and dont like my voice to be heard. I find singing fun in groups or when not taken seriously, but the solo I am finding extreamly hard as I lack confidence in this area.  This is a song that i can relate to and therefor i thought it would be a good song to pick to do as my solo...
In lesson we are focusing on the songs for the trip to the nursing home in Banstead, we as a group are doing the song "my shadow" byFrank Sinatra, where we are doing harmonies and working together to create our own version of the song.i personally need to revise my range as i was ill during the period where we done them and think i can improve it greatly, which is a target for me by the end of the nursing home project. I would love the opportunity to do a solo or duet at the nursing home but am not sure if i have the confidence to do so, although my confidence is built up week by week i still do not believe that i can sing well. I enjoy the lessons immensely and hope to improve my skill and confidence levels so i am able to do so.